Convention 2025 plans underway!
Theme: "Once Upon a Time at LTLA" - Celebrating 75 years!
Essay Prompt: Rewrite a fairy tale with a fresh twist
Contests to prepare for in Junior High and Senior Divisions:
Drawing Contest- 3 member team to draw at convention
Costume Contest- contest during convention
Bookmark Contest- prepare ahead of time
Poster Contest- prepare ahead of time
T-Shirt Contest- prepare ahead of time.
Wes Smith Contest- TBA
Scrapbook Contest- both paper and electronic to prepare ahead of time
Theme: "Once Upon a Time at LTLA" - Celebrating 75 years!
Essay Prompt: Rewrite a fairy tale with a fresh twist
Contests to prepare for in Junior High and Senior Divisions:
Drawing Contest- 3 member team to draw at convention
Costume Contest- contest during convention
Bookmark Contest- prepare ahead of time
Poster Contest- prepare ahead of time
T-Shirt Contest- prepare ahead of time.
Wes Smith Contest- TBA
Scrapbook Contest- both paper and electronic to prepare ahead of time