Thanks for a great 2024 convention!
Theme: LTLA....Let's Play! (spin off of games/gaming)
Contests to prepare for in Junior High and Senior Divisions:
Drawing Contest- 3 member team to draw at convention
Costume Contest- contest during convention
Bookmark Contest- prepare ahead of time
Poster Contest- prepare ahead of time
T-Shirt Contest- prepare ahead of time.
Wes Smith Contest- TBA
Scrapbook Contest- both paper and electronic to prepare ahead of time
We are excited to welcome Louisiana Storyteller, MaMa Saba!
Phyllis D. Jason , a life-long Louisiana resident fondly known as “MaMa Saba,” has
entertained children for well over thirty years at libraries, schools, churches and
community centers in Orleans, Jefferson, St, Tammany and Lincoln parishes. She
earned the name “MaMa SaBa” meaning “mother of seven,” in Swahili, after the
birth of her seventh child. She dynamically energizes her audiences as she steps into
the life of her audiences , weaving folktales, tall tales, funny tales, and just plain “ole”
tales for kids from five to ninety-five. No matter what the choice of story, she takes
her audience on a grand journey through character - filled tales as she leads them
“From Here to Yonder.” Audiences are always invited to jump into the stories by way
of song and dance. She even includes a few original yarns spun from her very own pen.
Theme: LTLA....Let's Play! (spin off of games/gaming)
Contests to prepare for in Junior High and Senior Divisions:
Drawing Contest- 3 member team to draw at convention
Costume Contest- contest during convention
Bookmark Contest- prepare ahead of time
Poster Contest- prepare ahead of time
T-Shirt Contest- prepare ahead of time.
Wes Smith Contest- TBA
Scrapbook Contest- both paper and electronic to prepare ahead of time
We are excited to welcome Louisiana Storyteller, MaMa Saba!
Phyllis D. Jason , a life-long Louisiana resident fondly known as “MaMa Saba,” has
entertained children for well over thirty years at libraries, schools, churches and
community centers in Orleans, Jefferson, St, Tammany and Lincoln parishes. She
earned the name “MaMa SaBa” meaning “mother of seven,” in Swahili, after the
birth of her seventh child. She dynamically energizes her audiences as she steps into
the life of her audiences , weaving folktales, tall tales, funny tales, and just plain “ole”
tales for kids from five to ninety-five. No matter what the choice of story, she takes
her audience on a grand journey through character - filled tales as she leads them
“From Here to Yonder.” Audiences are always invited to jump into the stories by way
of song and dance. She even includes a few original yarns spun from her very own pen.